Chick trying to hatch, membrane dried out, photo ...advice?


15 Years
Jun 27, 2007
I just went out to check on my broody banty hen and this is what I found under her...this chick is peeping like crazy, the membrane is quite dry (I dabbed it it with a warm wet cloth) and I can see a teeny speck of blood in the lower right hand part so I'm not sure I should help. Is there anything I should do for this chick?


I use a spray bottle and spritz the egg with a light mist of warm water to keep them from drying out. Are you going to put it back under her? You could spray it first, put it under her and see what happens. Or keep it inside and try and hatch it and give it back.
Hi Michelle. I am not very experienced with broodies, but I think I would put it back under the hen after the warm, damp cloth one more time. Then hope for the best.

Good luck, hope it works out.
Do you have an incubator? If not, You need to get the egg to some warmth and humidity fast. Spritz the shell with a very fine mist of warm water, not enough to drench it, but just to moisten it up some. Wrap it loosely in a warm damp (not wet) wash cloth and put it under a heat lamp while you get a makeshift incubator set up. A small ice chest with some warm wet sponges or rags around a bowl will do in a pinch. Put the egg on a piece of paper towel inside the bowl inside the ice chest. Cover the top with cling wrap and punch a few holes in it and hover the heat lamp above. Just watch the temps. You may have to spritz every so often until the membrane softens and the humidity stabilizes.

Disclaimer: I'm not an expert, just thinking of what I would do in a jiffy.

Good luck and let us know what happens.

Thank you Ladies. I misted the egg with warm water and put it right back under Mamma. I hope when I go out in the morning (if I can last that long without looking LOL) and find a happy, healthy chick :)
I had 4 duck eggs under the hen but sadly nothing ever happened with them so she's only going to have this one baby. I'd hate to see her set all month and not have a baby to care for.

oops, I didn't see your post until after I posted UGCM. I do have an incubator full of duck eggs right now.

Writer of Words...yes I put the chicken egg under her a week after the duck eggs. Today was hatching day but the duck eggs never did anything, stayed clear. Now I've got duck eggs in the incubator.

Honestly it looks to me like it is time to help. However, with a broody bird and a wet cloth she may do the work for you. I had a HORRIBLY shrink wrapped chick that went from FUGLY to ADORABLE!
Do you think I should put a warm wet cloth under my broody hen with the egg?
I don't feel this broody hen is quite as warm as my others are, she's warmer than the norm but not as warm as my big hens.

The egg is from one of my Buff Orpingtons, the broody is a Buff Brahma Banty.

You can try it. If I did that to one of my broodies she would have tossed it out. If you try it, watch her and see if it is acceptable to her. If not, time to take the egg and start peeling. Do you want to see my before and after pics. They are pretty remarkable.

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