Chick enrichment ideas?


Apr 2, 2024
I have 6 young chicks (ages ranging from a few days old to about 1 week) and this is my first flock. I noticed that in the brooder, they’re all digging around the edge almost like they’re trying to escape (I know that this is just their instinct to look for bugs, etc.) What can I give them at this age to keep them from getting bored? I have a mirror and a few stuffed animals in their brooder which they seem interested in, but they still seem bored and obsessive about digging and pecking the sides of the brooder.
I have 6 young chicks (ages ranging from a few days old to about 1 week) and this is my first flock. I noticed that in the brooder, they’re all digging around the edge almost like they’re trying to escape (I know that this is just their instinct to look for bugs, etc.) What can I give them at this age to keep them from getting bored? I have a mirror and a few stuffed animals in their brooder which they seem interested in, but they still seem bored and obsessive about digging and pecking the sides of the brooder.
They love to jump up on things and pretend to fly.
I give mine sticks and small branches supported on blocks.
They also love a bowl of sand or grit to ‘bathe’ in.
Anything like an obstacle course.

Here are some of mine from roughly the same age just showing off their climbing abilities. The thing holding up the branches is their heat plate.
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I have 6 young chicks (ages ranging from a few days old to about 1 week) and this is my first flock. I noticed that in the brooder, they’re all digging around the edge almost like they’re trying to escape (I know that this is just their instinct to look for bugs, etc.) What can I give them at this age to keep them from getting bored? I have a mirror and a few stuffed animals in their brooder which they seem interested in, but they still seem bored and obsessive about digging and pecking the sides of the brooder.
I wanted my chicks to be entertained too! I found they will go crazy if you sprinkle a little food where they are digging or little blocks for them to sit on. I always take my chicks out to play on a play mat so they can run around and sit on my lap.
I would take the stuffies out of the coop. They are a potential danger if you chicks peck out and ingest any of the fibers. a coupld of branches will be more than enough entertainment, as long as your brooder is big enough for them to run around in.
For mine i have a mirror, small roosting bars, if i have sticks ill put some in there for them to perch on.

I also have a xylophone that they peck at.

Scatter food in the brooder they will scratch around for it. Mine kick the food out by themselves.
Take the plushies out and give them objects that are safer for them to explore. Chicks love climbing on sticks, I always provide my chicks with sticks in the brooder. Bantams like flying better than large fowl, so they will be more interested in the sticks. Giving them grass from outside is a good option as well. If they are getting bored and you have extra bottles to spare, then you can get an empty water bottle and fill it with chicken feed or a small, healthy treat, and then poke holes in the bottle. Give the bottle to the chicks and they have something to figure out.
Take the plushies out and give them objects that are safer for them to explore. Chicks love climbing on sticks, I always provide my chicks with sticks in the brooder. Bantams like flying better than large fowl, so they will be more interested in the sticks. Giving them grass from outside is a good option as well. If they are getting bored and you have extra bottles to spare, then you can get an empty water bottle and fill it with chicken feed or a small, healthy treat, and then poke holes in the bottle. Give the bottle to the chicks and they have something to figure out.
Thanks for your response! Will grass be ok for them at this age? We don’t have pesticides or anything in our grass but I just don’t want to expose them to anything harmful.
I would take the stuffies out of the coop. They are a potential danger if you chicks peck out and ingest any of the fibers. a coupld of branches will be more than enough entertainment, as long as your brooder is big enough for them to run around in.
Ok thank you, good to know about the stuffed animals, I wasn’t aware of that!
Thanks for your response! Will grass be ok for them at this age? We don’t have pesticides or anything in our grass but I just don’t want to expose them to anything harmful.
If they were with momma, sure, they're getting grass at a few days old, but when we're raising them, the conditions are different. Most recommend waiting until they are at least two weeks old as by then they are stronger and their tummies can handle a bit more. I'd hold off another week, but make sure you provide them grit too, unless you were taking them outside, then just take them by where some dirt is.

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