Cat problems!


Flew The Coop
12 Years
Apr 16, 2007
My DH is driving me insane!!! I have 6 cats, a momma, a daddy and their 4 kids. The momma cat, Baby, has just started peeing on the floor of my laundry room...5 feet fromt he litter boxes.

DH decided he's had enough and he tossed Baby outside today. Baby has 1 eye and she's pretty overweight AND she's never spent more than 5 minutes outside at a time. DH is saying that she has to stay outside ALL the time. My male cats don't even stay out at night and he wants her to!!!

This has me really sad. Baby is a great cat and I love her to death. I know that since she's overweigh and is missing an eye then she would be an easy target for some crazy night animal that wants to pick a fight.

Is there anything I can do to keep her from peeing on the floor? I clean out the litter boxes everyday so I know she's not doing it because they're dirty.
Trisha, since she is a inside cat start feeding her a food that helps with UTI"s, maybe that has something to do with it, and if this helps any, my DH would do the same thing.
Do female cats get UTI's as easy as male cats? She went throught this before to but she was pooping in a corner of my living room.
Have you changed brands of litter lately? If we change to another brand of litter one of our cats will pee the floor.

This behavior can also be a sign of underlying illness of some sort, maybe a UTI or something.
Try spraying the area where she has peed (sp?) with vinager. Cats don't like it and it will neutralize the smell. Sometimes they keep going in a spot because of the smell. Maybe originally someone had sprayed there or something. Also has anything changed? Sometimes cats react to changes in this way. If so, you need to find a way to help her work through the stress of the change. Baby who by the sound of it has been an indoor cat should not be outside! If DH continues to demand she be outside see if you can get her a shelter (whether it be an existing building or something you build) where she can feel safe. Good Luck and let us know how things go.
I think females get it worse than a male cat, the same as we females always seem to get one and all the males in our lives do not. God really played a cruel joke on us women.
Ok so I'm going to TRY and lock her in a kennel in the bathroom at night...if DH lets me.
I'm going to spray vingar on her favorite pee spot, and see if I can gather enough $ to take her to the vet and get her all checked out.

Now about DH...I'm just bout ready to go ape crap on him. I think he'll get a good smack before the end of the night!!!

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