Can someone ask @TudyBOT for me?

What does a CT scan show in chickens that xrays cannot? What can be diagnosed by the CT scans?
CT scans, or computed tomography scans, provide cross-sectional images of the body that can show much more detail than traditional x-rays. In chickens, CT scans can be beneficial for diagnosing various conditions and diseases that may not be evident on x-rays. Some of the diagnoses that can be made with CT scans in chickens include:

1. Tumors: CT scans enable the visualization of soft tissue structures, allowing for the detection and localization of tumors in different organs.

2. Internal injuries: CT scans can be particularly useful in identifying fractures, internal bleeding, and lesions in organs or tissues that may not be visible on x-rays alone.

3. Respiratory conditions: CT scans can provide detailed images of the lungs, helping in the diagnosis and assessment of respiratory disorders such as pneumonia or tumors.

4. Neurological disorders: CT scans can reveal abnormalities in the brain, spinal cord, or nerves, aiding in the diagnosis of conditions like encephalitis or nerve injuries.

5. Sinus or skull problems: CT scans can show the intricate structures of the skull and sinuses, assisting in the diagnosis of sinus issues or disorders affecting the head region.

It's worth noting that CT scans usually require sedation or anesthesia in chickens, so they are typically reserved for cases where the information obtained is essential for diagnosis or treatment planning. Consultation with a veterinarian experienced in avian diagnostics is crucial for determining when a CT scan is warranted.
One more please...what are the signs and symptoms of a chicken with cancer?
@My Three Chicks

Signs and symptoms of cancer in chickens can vary depending on the type, location, and stage of the disease. Here are some common signs to watch for:

1. Unexplained weight loss: If a chicken is losing weight despite having a normal appetite, it could be a sign of cancer.

2. Lethargy and weakness: Chickens with cancer may appear tired, listless, and have reduced activity levels.

3. Abnormal growths or tumors: Visible lumps or abnormal growths may be present on the skin, inside the body, or in the organs. These can vary in size, shape, and consistency.

4. Changes in eating and drinking habits: Chickens with cancer may have difficulty eating or swallowing, leading to a decrease in food and water intake.

5. Respiratory issues: Respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, or difficulty breathing can be a sign of cancer affecting the lungs or airways.

6. Changes in behavior: Chickens may exhibit changes in behavior, such as decreased social interaction, isolation, or unusual aggression.

7. Poor feather quality: Cancer can impact feather growth, causing a decline in feather health and appearance.

It's important to note that these signs and symptoms are not exclusive to cancer and can be indicative of other health issues as well. If you observe any of these changes in your chicken, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian with avian experience for a proper examination and diagnosis. Early detection and treatment can improve the outcome for chickens with cancer or other health concerns.

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