Can quail eat meat and table scraps?


7 Years
Oct 10, 2012
We used to have chooks (long, long time ago, I was a little me
) and my parents used to feed them table scraps and other stuff, and the table scraps would include meat, noodles, rice, fruit, etc.

I've also heard that chickens can eat fish and even chicken (cannibals :p). Pretty much anything edible.
I'm just wondering if quail can eat that stuff as well, and can they eat quail also? (I'm not going to feed them that, this is mainly out of curiousity, I don't eat quail but my family does.)

I fed my quail fresh noodles (not instant noodles...) that my brother didn't want to finish and they thought it was worms... It was cute to watch.

I know avocado is a big no no. So what else is poisonous and what else can they eat?

Thanks! :)
Sure! Left over meat, veggies, fruits, pasta, berries, great for them.

As far as toxic things, the list can be long. And much of it is exotic plants, most of which you would never come into contact with either.

But of the human food group....avocado, chocolate, anything with caffeine, uncooked potatoes, the leaves stems and vines of tomatoes are toxic, however the tomato itself is fine. Grapefruit seeds are harmful and most citrus should be fed in moderation only. Mangoes are a bit stringy and might get caught in the crop. I would avoid any cactus.

Generally birds know when something is poisonous and will avoid it as long as they are not starving to death.
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I have fed dried krill to my birds and while they did eat some of it, they really weren't too thrilled. But yes, you can feed them fish. :)

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