Can i give my broody chicken eggs that have already been incubated for a week?


Feb 4, 2024
1 silkie turned broody a week ago, i immediatly put 6 eggs under her. But today a bigger chicken decided to help her, and she also started breeding in the same nestbox. Since the silkie did not appreciate the help, i moved the bigger chicken into a different nestbox. And i put 3 eggs from the silkie under her. Is it okay to let her breed this eggs out since she only just started breeding, and the eggs are already incubated for a week? Or will she not accept them because they came way to early?
Some hens will refuse to accept chicks that hatch early, but I think two weeks of broodiness is long enough for most hens to accept the chicks when they hatch.

There are no guarantees with chickens, just more likely or less likely, but I think chances are very good that she will accept the chicks rather than reject them.

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