Can I feed my chicks lettuce?

Our chicks at 2 weeks played with lettuce. Would stand on it and at first be scared of it. Now at 8 weeks old they are starting to peck at it. I just tie a string to the head and hang it up in their coop and it keeps them busy and gets them used to eating other things than just chick starter. No harm in it at all but only leave in there while the lettuce stays crisp, otherwise it can mold and then cause problems.
So I like to feed my chickens lettuce. When my lettuce comes up in the garden will they have a developed taste for it and will they start eating my garden lettuce faster than I keep them out of the garden? Or will the insects, worms, and grubs in my lawn and under the bushes in last years leaves keep them busy?
I actually grow a small lettuce patch just for feeding treats to my hens. I keep it fenced off next to their run so they can grab a little snack. Other than that, I hae observed no negative effects from feeding them greens except the occasional runny poo.
I'm concerned about the size of the lettuce... Our chicks are 6 weeks old and I just gave them lettuce for the first time -- hilarious!!!
-- but I started to wonder about whether they would be able to digest it well enough (even with some grit I threw in there).

I tore the lettuce up into pieces approx. 1" x 0.6" -- will their crop be okay? Also, how much grit do they need for that? (I just scooped up some grit from the dirt seeing as we haven't bought any yet. They are confined to their coop for now -- aka they don't have their own access to dirt yet).

Thank you.
My chicks are 3 weeks old and I just started giving them a little grit and treats. They've had mealworms and a tiny bit of lettuce chopped very small. They go major nuts over the treats. It's hilariously adorable! They also love boiled egg yolks. I think they are going to love everything. Lol. I should have gotten chicks a long time ago.

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