Can chickens eat marshamallows?


13 Years
14 Years
Jun 20, 2009
Orange County, NY
I have two full bags of marshmallows leftover from a barbecue - can my chickens eat them, or should I say, are they OK to feed them, since they basically use their beaks as tiny shovels to their mouths.....
Noooooooooo I fed mine half a bag leftover last week and none of them have keeled over!
If you have a few chickens but loads of marshmallows stagger it over a few days, I picked them into smaller bits so they were more beak size!
The girls loved them.
I wouldn't recommend it every day but if they're going to waste otherwise.............
Food is too readily thrown away these days considering the amount of starving people in the world.
Recycle - make eggs!!!!!!!
They make good raccoon bait for a live trap.
You could make Rice Krispy Treats

Or S'mores

But I wouldn't give them to the chickens, especially not 2 bags' worth. I bet they could handle some of them with no ill effect, but there's not much nourishment for them & there is a risk of choking.

My kids would LOVE to have them and would toast them over a campfire. Don't throw them away, see if there are some humans who would like to have them.
Don't think I'd give'm 2 bags at once, unless you got 50 chickens or so. Otherwise, handfull at a time, over the fence the marshmellows would go.

It's amazing what they can get down their throats.
There's not much nourishmnet in Rice Krispy Treats but it doesn't stop US eating them!!!

As for the choking thing, nope, none of my even gave a little cough, just a scoff!!!!
I would never, ever give my chickens marshmallows. I wouldn't feed them sugar cubes; same thing, eh? You could donate them to a food pantry or shelter. I am sure some kids would enjoy rice crispy treats.

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