Can an Easter Egger pullet have green sheen tail feathers?


15 Years
Mar 15, 2009
We purchased 3 "pullet" Easter Eggers from Ideal Poultry (90% accuracy guarantee) I recently noticed that one was more agressive and started showing green in its tail feathers. I suspected it might be a male. It started crowing today!
So, I started looking at the other two. Another has green in its tail feathers as well! I also noticed that the 2 green feather ones hold their tail feathers up at an angle and the other one does not...Their comb area is darker colored also. Please tell me these are not BOTH COCKERELS!!!
The one below started crowing today.


This white/black one has feathers that look green when the light hits them a certain way in its tail, too. You can't see them in the photo. You also can't really see how he holds his tail up at an angle. (Sorry, it wouldn't cooperate!)

This last one is the one I am assuming is the only true pullet in the bunch. Her body looks different and her tail is just a continuation of her body. It doesn't go up any.
first off, females can have green sheen tail feathers, but that's besides the point here....

the top two pics are a cockerel, middle white a cockerel. bottom, pullet.
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Are y'all CONVINCED about the white and black one? I am so BUMMED! The kids were SOOOOOO looking forward to blue eggs! Now they'll have to fight over the one blue one everytime she lays...
i am, at 8 weeks. that comb is seriously red for8 weeks.

ee's don't usually lay blue eggs. that's a misnomer that hatcheries like to push. they CARRY the blue egg gene that is mixed with whatever egg color/tint the other breed chicken the bird is bred with lays.

most ee's lay a greenish egg. i have one that does lay blue and one that lays a blue-green egg.

p.s. i PAY Dustin Biery to agree with EVERYTHING i type or say.
I have two EEs from Ideal. One lays a blue egg and one a green. So, there is hope you will get a blue egg. My blue egger has white ear lobes and no beard or muff.

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