Announcement BYC Updated - Post Questions, Concerns, Issues, & Praise Here!

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How do I see trophies I’ve already completed on mobile? And :yesss: mobile is showing and working a lot better today! Thanks to our awesome team:celebrate!
Tap on your username or avatar, and then go to points. Some of the trophies probably aren't working now after the upgrade, they need to be overhauled / reconfigured, but we were working on overhauling the trophies before we upgraded, so I'm not sure if we'll just overhaul them, or reconfigure the existing ones.
So will that stay like that or still a kink being worked out?
Hopefully we can figure out what's causing it and fix it.
Something has changed with the logo (background blue text color black) . But there is still a minor issue on my iphone with it.

@oldhenlikesdogs and other laughing stock:
you mean like this.

:lau I saw that one a while ago and it’s still just as good!! Love it!!

I think I'm broken. Pretty sure I forgot how to sleep.



:hugs I hope you are able to sleep so

No more jumping THANK YOU!!

And a big thanks to all behind the scenes for all the hard work you do!

X2 what @KDOGG331 said, I love that site admins are on byc too and share their love of all things chicken!

X2 :love

He had fixed it right before this which is why I was able to see it. I couldn’t see it before

:lau it’s the TV!! Well... it’s both... lately I stay up till 2 or 3 watching TV and then I decide to turn it off and go to sleep early rather than staying up till 4 but then.... I go on my phone for a couple hours. :oops: I also don’t start watching TV till super late cause I get distracted. I need to start sooner and/or turn it off sooner and/or not watch it if I wanna use my phone before bed haha also snack tons when I’m watching it :lau

I just used the angry face on this post because I don't agree.
Not because I am mad at you.
Everyone's going to have their own reason for using it.

True but there will probably be at least some people using it That way and hopefully it is not abused. But most people are smart enough I think to not use it negatively.

Go to sleep!

:lau I did! At like 4, 4:30 :lau

I’d use the WOW emoji but wanted to give you a point. ;)

:lau well thank you! I appreciate it!! ;)

Lol it’s okay.

Find comfort in the fact that you're not alone!!!!😑
I haven’t been sleeping much lately either but mine is kind of by choice :lau

Or my choices. Like using the phone before bed and then can’t drag myself away :lau :oops:

That's the whole point.
It's kind of like a hidden message.

I can’t see anything except blurry :(

I don't think I explained that right. On mobile, you can see blurred text and you click on it and it's not blurred. On desktop there is nothing there, but if you hover over it the arrow pointer turns into the finger so you know there is something to click on but you cannot see it. Does that make sense?

I can’t click it?

That's what I was just thinking! They're not speaking my language, which is Hillbillinese!!!


I wonder if I should revert to my laptop instead of my mobile phone. It seems like I'm missing something by only using my cell.

That link is on
Can you explain how I do blurred text?
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