Announcement BYC Updated - Post Questions, Concerns, Issues, & Praise Here!

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I don’t see it? Thanks for replying
is there anyway to get back the page numbering on the bottom of a post or some way that you can jump a few pages at once instead of just one page at a time or jump to beginning or end?
If you click on the three dots you can enter a page number and go directly to it.

was this not the way it has always been?
The new posts section before wouldn’t show older posts someone had posted into, but every new post caused a new list to populate, right?
It was populated with news posts/threads that were recently started. Now it is full of chat threads, which in my opinion, is taking a bit away from the educational side of BYC.
it’s not the same on my phone, I dont see the thread starter or the page dots. I think it needs some updates for mobile :p
I don't have a phone, so I can't simulate what you're seeing exactly, but if I shrink my webpage down I can still get to the search option by clicking the button that says "32 of 32" on it.
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