Bumblefoot with no scab...help


Nov 9, 2020
My 55 Flowery Hen has had bumblefoot in her left foot off and on since May. Back in late August, I found a tiny scab on her foot about 1/16 of an inch, softened it and removed it and popped out small kernel the size of a sunflower seed. That left a tiny hole. There was no more stuff coming out so I packed it and she stayed in bandages for almost a month. (Bring inside, remove bandage, wash feet, soak feet, rebandage with antibacterial.) She got to the point that the swelling went down and the hole healed, but her foot has remained slightly swollen ever since. There is a tiny pencil point dimple on the bottom of her foot where the kernel was removed. Its almost like an acne pit. When her foot swells again it sinks inward. Now she is limping. The bottom of her pad is like a balloon. I brought her in and soaked her feet and cleaned out the tiny hole. It was negligible and there is just not a kernel in sight. I do not want to continually damage her foot. But what can I do to get rid of this for once and for all? She is eating and drinking well and in season is one of my best layers. I have to keep her inside when this happens because she is hell on wheels to be caught. And I don't want to terrorize her daily by chasing her down. However, if she stays in longer than three days the other hens pick on her. I've decided she's staying inside till I can get this all the way gone and then I can worry about reintegrating later.

What can I do to get rid of this finally? There is no scab...just that tiny pit from the removal last time. Her other foot in May healed completely. I'm afraid its just going to keep getting worse each time.
Maybe she is limping from some other problem, such as a sprain or arthritis? Does she hold the sore leg up, or put weight on it? Do you have any pictures of the foot in question? I believe I would leave her out in the coop with the others, and just have a look at the foot every 3-4 days. It can be a pain to reintegrate after a hen has been out of the flock for awile. When I have done bumblefoot surgery, it doesn’t always heal up to a normal appearance afterward. I don’t usually bother it anymore. But it would be good to see it. Another thing that some do is to use clear iodine or betadine and mix it with a little sugar and apply that to the bumblefoot, cover with gauze, and wrap with strips of vet wrap for 3 days. That can draw out any infection. But check the circulation, in case the vet wrap tightens too much. You also could see a vet and try antibiotic therapy.
Did you try putting the bird on antibiotics? I have had turkeys with bumble foot. And to fully treat them took a commitment of cleaning out the wound. I tried 2 ways both worked for me. I used hydrogen peroxide after washing with warm soap and water. Dryed it repeated hydrogen peroxide a couple times then used Blueing. Gauze and pad with sport wrap, plus antibiotics. Healed beautifully. Minor bumbles I used the same as above I substituted the blueing with neosporin cream.(don’t use ointment has to be cream.) keeping your bird inside is a excellent idea. I hope this helps, thank you for your post.
Here are two photos of her foot today. I have been soaking it and wrapping with neosporin. Some of the swelling has gone down but not by much. You can see the hole in her foot. I just don't want to keep damaging her foot. That hole has been there since August when the kernel came out and the foot swelling goes down, but not normal, and then after a month or so comes right back. Will an antibiotic cure it without any more surgery???


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Maybe she is limping from some other problem, such as a sprain or arthritis? Does she hold the sore leg up, or put weight on it? Do you have any pictures of the foot in question? I believe I would leave her out in the coop with the others, and just have a look at the foot every 3-4 days. It can be a pain to reintegrate after a hen has been out of the flock for awile. When I have done bumblefoot surgery, it doesn’t always heal up to a normal appearance afterward. I don’t usually bother it anymore. But it would be good to see it. Another thing that some do is to use clear iodine or betadine and mix it with a little sugar and apply that to the bumblefoot, cover with gauze, and wrap with strips of vet wrap for 3 days. That can draw out any infection. But check the circulation, in case the vet wrap tightens too much. You also could see a vet and try antibiotic therapy.
I posted pics above....
I just saw this, been away from my computer a lot lately. The tricide neo might be helpful here. The sugardine (sugar/betadine mix) poultices also might help. Both of those take some time and consistency to see results. I would guess that when the original kernal came out, there was still infection deeper inside the foot. I have had very good results with sugardine drawing infection out and helping with healing on stubborn bumblefoot, when absolutely nothing else worked. See post #8 here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/bumblefoot-not-healing.1443809/
I posted pics above....
You might want to try using Tricide Neo to treat her foot. I've used it and it works well. Here's a link with instructions in post #2:

Here's a link where you can purchase Tricide Neo:

I'm back....She's still in the basement and I tried the Tricide Neo. Her foot is completely healed EXCEPT. She has a big old round ball between two of her toes. HARD, and no scab, no redness, no lameness, just a big bulging bumble. Like a marble. There is no swelling now so I can see the actual bumble. And absolutely no opening or scab. How do I get rid of it? If I put her back outside...it will just start all over again. Thoughts?

I'm back....She's still in the basement and I tried the Tricide Neo. Her foot is completely healed EXCEPT. She has a big old round ball between two of her toes. HARD, and no scab, no redness, no lameness, just a big bulging bumble. Like a marble. There is no swelling now so I can see the actual bumble. And absolutely no opening or scab. How do I get rid of it? If I put her back outside...it will just start all over again. Thoughts?

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