Hi! What's theBEST Feed/Bulk Grain,Pea,Corn Producing Companies, and where to get in CA,AB?

Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

Sing the song of your soul 🎶 ✨️
Sep 8, 2023
Peaceful Woods, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
:celebrate:welcomeHi, I'm S.Raven, and I'm going to make my own feed for my Chickens, Ducks, and Turkeys. I'm going off of this wonderful article, -https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...eat-tears-a-calculator-or-deep-pockets.78655/ (which is VERY informative) LOVE IT! Anyways, from the information I've extracted from this, I know EXACTLY what I want and what my flock will LOVE!! 😻 🥰:love But, Since this article was written in Britain, and I'm in Canada, AB, I don't quite know where to get the ingredients, or which company producing them I should trust. I'll tell you now though that I will NOT in fact use sprayed feed. But I'm looking for (as well as French maize corn) Mixed peas with a good amt. of variety, but I'm not picky!! Although my chickens are lol!!
Anyway, thank you for any info you could give me on the pros and cons of any places that sell bulk French Maize Corn and Bulk Raw Quinoa! Also Looking for Mixed peas. Also wondering where sells the best priced feed! And any con-y food companies or scammy pricing. :frowREALLY anything that you learned from buying feed will help!! (I don't like Hi-PRO)
-Love S.Raven P.S If you know any farmers who are selling whole French Maize Corn, or Quinoa, Peas of any to all kinds, Buckwheat (In Ab, Canada Of course) please let me know!!

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