Broody EE with bald keel area


5 Years
Feb 18, 2019
Central Washington State
Not an emergency, per say, but wondering if I need be concerned.

One of my EE girls has a large bald area on her keel bone. Skin looks healthy, not red or even really pink... minus a very thin scab directly on her keel bone. The part that she rests on while roosting or brooding. No peck marks. I have looked very closely and see no signs of either mites or lice would n her or any of the flock.

None of my birds are molting. A few(including this one) seem to have a little feather “disruption” at the base of their tails but I think that’s normal pecking order stuff.

Is there anything else I’m missing or should check for? Could this just be happening because of her prolonged time sitting on her keel due to the broodiness? As we have no rooster(and therefore no eggs to hatch), I am currently working on breaking her brood. I don’t want her losing weight pointlessly this close to winter.
Hens will pluck the feathers off their keel area so their skin is in closer contact with the eggs, thus warming them more efficiently. In other words, a bald keel area is normal with broodies.
Can you get a clear photo of this area?
What is your roost bar made of?

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