Broken beak with exposed tissue :(


In the Brooder
Feb 26, 2024

This is my 8 month old Easter egger muffin.
At first I thought she was pecking on someone but nobody else was injured or bloody so I looked closer an saw she loss the top tip of the beak with the tissue underneath exposed : ((
I brought her inside and tried to clean off the exposed tissue with hydrogen peroxide as much as she would let me

She's currently in this little box with crumbled food mixed in water and with of course clean water
I’m not really sure what to do she won’t eat or drink even though the food is a oatmeal like texture
Any advice is greatly appreciated!!

(Honestly it’s been one thing after another with these chickens idk what I’m doing wrong but muffin here is such a sweet heart I can’t imagine losing her anytime soon pls help me 🥲)
I would spray some saline if you need to clean the beak. Try to keep her tongue moist with water, so it doesn’t dry out. It is hard to see the beak well in the photos. If you could take some clear photos from the sides and front tomorrow, it would help. It looks like a lot of the top has been chipped off, probably by injuring it on wire fencing or chicken wire. I’m nit sure how much of the beak will grow back, but the surface should eventually gown in. It will be painful for her to eat and drink. I would make some watery mushy chicken feed and a little scrambled egg. If you have an avian vet nearby, they might be able to help her. Hopefully others with beak injury experience will post.
I had a girl break a beak in December that looked like this (as far as I can tell). I had to feed her mash because she couldn't pick up pellets, but it grew fully back in a couple of months! I didn't separate her from the flock because I didn't have anywhere else to put her, but I would definitely recommend that, if you can, as it will be easier to tell how much she is eating and drinking. I would also give her some electrolytes to help her cope for the first couple of days or so.
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This is my 8 month old Easter egger muffin.
At first I thought she was pecking on someone but nobody else was injured or bloody so I looked closer an saw she loss the top tip of the beak with the tissue underneath exposed : ((
I brought her inside and tried to clean off the exposed tissue with hydrogen peroxide as much as she would let me

She's currently in this little box with crumbled food mixed in water and with of course clean water
I’m not really sure what to do she won’t eat or drink even though the food is a oatmeal like texture
Any advice is greatly appreciated!!

(Honestly it’s been one thing after another with these chickens idk what I’m doing wrong but muffin here is such a sweet heart I can’t imagine losing her anytime soon pls help me 🥲)
I hope she’ll be ok! Maybe @Wyorp Rock or @Eggcessive could help?

Sorry she moves way too much these are the best pictures I could get
I've been cleaning her beak with hydrogen peroxide (I don't have vetericyn spray) 3x a day to prevent infection
All of the tissue underneath what broke off is fully intact so it still covers her tongue
I did separate her from the flock she's in a little box in MY BEDrOom lol I take her outside every other hour for 30 mins so she not cramped in there
I tried to mark where her beak broke off in th first picture if you can tell
She doing a lot better already and finally started eating again she would not eat anything I gave her yesterday I tried giving her yougurt and smashed bananas and honestly the feed I made so watery it was like creamy soup 🥲
But no worries now she's eating the stuff I give her
Thank you for all the help guys :)

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