Breeding Questions from BO x Mixed flock


5 Years
Jun 12, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
So we hatched 15 chicks from our mixed flock the breeds consisted of the following:

Buff Orphington Roo x

Barred Rock
Dark Cornish
Easter Egger
Rhode Island Red

Here are some shots of the young cockerels from that hatch. Can anyone tell me based on leg color what egg laying gene they carry, or does it not work that way. I am newer to chicken genetics.






Thanks BYC family!
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Leg color and egg shell color aren't related, but comb style and egg shell color can be.

You have a dark Cornish momma in the mix, which has a pea comb, so that can throw things off. but Easter eggers have pea combs and in that type, pea combs and the blue egg gene are closely linked. I'd guess this guy is an Orp/EE mix and could carry one brown and one blue gene. All your other crosses will carry brown egg genes.

Egg color does not correlate to leg color. You have all brown egg laying hens with the exception of the Easter Egger hen. At best, with the Easter Egger cross, you'll get green eggs. But if you cross her male offspring with other brown egg layers, it would further decrease the odds for colored eggs.
Egg color does not correlate to leg color. You have all brown egg laying hens with the exception of the Easter Egger hen. At best, with the Easter Egger cross, you'll get green eggs. But if you cross her male offspring with other brown egg layers, it would further decrease the odds for colored eggs.

I figured as much on all the brown egg layers and had hoped maybe the little EE mixes will lay a colored egg. All the mom hen's did but I am sure it changes adding the BO in the mix. Thanks for the response.
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