Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, cockerel or pullet?


In the Brooder
Sep 6, 2020
Hoping this is a pullet. Our city wont let us have cockerels. It is about 14 weeks old. What are folks thoughts on the gender of this Blue Laced Red Wyandotte?
Definitely a pullet. See the tips of her feathers on the tail, saddle (lower back/sides), and around the neck --- they all are uniform with rounded tips. Cockerels will have feathers of different lengths, some pointed, in those areas. The comb and wattle are small and still pale colored. They would be bigger in a cockerel, and bright red.
I thought she was a pullet. But heard some strange noises the last few mornings. The Salmon Faverolle is a pullet right?
Thanks for everyone's feedback. I thought we had pullets, but the morning cackles/crows had use second guessing.
I definitely think yours is a pullet. Mine is around 8 weeks (I thought but it does look very close to the age of yours) and is a suspected cockerel so far. It already has a bright red comb and wattles, I think I see some pointy feathers too. Here’s a picture for comparison, I know that helps me!


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