Blu-Kote It's Not Just for Chickens Anymore

I wonder if it would work on psoriasis?
i had commented on another thread for someone to use Blu-Kote on their injured rooster. i jokingly mentioned i had offered to use it on my husband's infected toe, but he wouldn't let me. But when ddawn said the gentian violet was an an old home remedy that people used to use, my husband said "Let's do it!".

Now, my husband has been suffering from this infected toe for months, he has been on four different rounds of antibiotics. The doctors gave him special stuff to put on his foot every day, he was instructed to soak it every night in warm water and epsom salts - but it just kept coming back and paining him something awful.

So, i slathered his toe with the Blu-Kote on two different occasions, and he went to the foot specialist today. The doctor looked at his foot and asked what that purple stuff was. My husband sheepishly said it was a chicken antibiotic, Blu-Kote. The doc perked up and said "Yes, the main ingredient is gentian violet". He went on to say how great the stuff is, antifungal, antibacterial. AND. most importantly, he proclaimed my husband's foot completely healed!

Wow, i just wish we would have tried this months ago.
I am finding that alot of my chickens remedies are working better for me than human medicines. Good job!
Yes and superglue also works to seal skin splits caused by winter weather-------where your fingers crack and bleed and hurt worse then paper cut with orange juice on it. The superglue holds the skin together until the wound heals, I'd thought I'd invented it, but found several co-workers also use it for winter skin cracking. (For you young-uns who don't know what I'm talking about--you'll find out soon enough)

I guess I will try out the blue-kote on my next ingrown toenail I get on my old-man gnarly troglodyte foot talons.
Also cures chickens split beaks

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