Blackhead disease - please help


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2019
We came home tonight to a sick turkey. Couldn’t stand or lift its head. Looked like it just wanted to lay there and die. My husband brought it in the porch and held it for about ten minutes and then it died. it pooped on his shirt and it was runny and yellow. We are thinking blackhead disease. I have two other turkeys that appear fine right now. They are 4-5 months old and currently live in our big chicken coop with our chickens. All of our birds free range about 5 acres together. I didn’t know it was bad to keep them together but now as I’m reading about blackhead, I’m wondering if they will all get it and die anything I can do to stop it or keep my other turkey babies from dying??? I love them so much.
Thank you. My husband has already disposed of the turkey is there something I can keep on hand just in case? I really don’t want to loose my other two turkeys but I have no way of separating the birds. I’m guessing, if it really is blackhead, that I will probably loose my other turkeys and never be able to raise turkeys here
I’m guessing, if it really is blackhead, that I will probably loose my other turkeys and never be able to raise turkeys here
Without a necropsy or other confirmation, I would not jump to conclusions.... quite that far at least. Sorry for your loss. :(

With parasite management you can control it. Taking a fecal float from your chickens to a vet and get a parasite load and species count would be a good place to start. Black head is not a problem in my area. If you find that it is your area then maybe keeping turkeys could be rethought or reworked.

How many birds total on your five acres? What is the feed and treats? Adding your general location to your profile can help peeps make the best suggestion possible at a glance.


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