black Scaly legs on chicken....

My Barred Rock has black scales as well. I started treatment for mites but maybe she does not have them? Any pics of you rock so I can compare? You can see her leg in this photo.
I'm guessing the best way to know if it is normal or not, is to just pay attention. I have a Cucu Meran pullet who's legs are normally a yellow-ish pink color, but she had recently gotten black on her legs. At first we just thought it was dirt, but it has slowly been taken over her legs. They are not all that raised and those scales are not inflamed, but the others are. Unfortunately she also has a host of other problems from the coop that we have to keep our flock in. However, I am hoping to clear up the mite problem and that will help her get better quicker.
There is nothing wrong IMO with putting a little petroleum jelly on the feet of your fowls. It is better to treat for scaly leg mites once every time you check for feather mites and by treating never have scaly leg mites, than it is to sit around until all your birds are infected and you have to treat and retreat time and time again. But hey, its your chickens, your Vaseline, and your time, so knock yourself out.

Black color that is out of place could also be feather mite feces that was deposited every dawn when the chicken mites go into hiding for the day or when they return to feed on your poultry at sundown. Since chicken mites eat blood their stool will be black.
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