black Scaly legs on chicken....


11 Years
Sep 1, 2008
hi guys
i have a question about the Scaly black legs......

i heard that it is caused by mites living under and infesting...causing blacking in the legs...

a good treatment ive read is SURGICAL SOLOUTION...

but what is that? that like,..... Methylated spirits? Alcohol?

or is there any other soloution that would work also?

thanks guys
Standard treatment for scaly leg mites is vaseline or oil rubbed on their legs to suffocate the mites. Then repeat 1 week later. Do NOT use automotive oil or other automotive products. I hadn't heard of it being bad enough to cause the legs to change color.
And please be careful not to get their pantaloons and petticoats soaked because they can get chilled and sick from hypothermia. I'd start with Bag Balm or vasoline- you can control it more easily and it is easier on your hands, too. The objective is to smother the mites. And bag balm is excellent for your skin!
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I may be reading this incorrectly -

Lots of chickens have black scaled feet and legs and it isn't a sign of mites.

Are you saying your chickens do have leg mites? Are the scales raised and the legs inflammed?
come to yhink of it

they arent lifting....
could be just dirt or mud.

thanks for ur post
My Barred Pylmouth rocks all have black scales on their legs, however they are not raised and unhealthy looking. I'm wondering if anyone out there with this breed knows if this is normal or not. Also some of them have black on their beaks as well I don't want to treat them if nothing is wrong as they are free range and antibiotic free, the vaseline seems like a good idea if they do indeed have an issue. Any advice is helpful!

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