Black Australorp Pullets?


10 Years
Oct 5, 2009
Boston, MA
I have three black pullets that are about three months old. They are all black with black feet. Their feathers have a greenish tinge to them as well. I think they are Australorps but I’m not 100% sure. It’s hard to find good pictures online. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



Hard to say, but when I looked at the first picture I thought it was an Australorp because of the way the tail came up.

My Australorp has black feet, a greenish tint to her feathers and a beautiful U-shape to her body when she walks around. It's not strutting because she's the bottom of a six chicken pecking order; she just walks that way.

However, since her last molt, two of her tail feathers have grown in with a bit of white at the tips. Since she was a hatchery bird, I'm not surprised that there's a bit of mutt in her.

She's funny though, with that little horseshoe walk.

I agree that her body shape is not right for a friend has hatchery quality BA`s that are slimmer in body with longer necks than mine but I think yours are not BA`s. I am not too familiar with Sumatras. Here is one of my BA pullets at 16 weeks for you for comparison

i have and had australorps that looked allot like this at three month old ill post some pics tomorrow for a comparison (all hatchery quality eventually their shape changed to be more like Mrs. Feathers australorp)​
Oh...just noticed your comment about their feet. Are they black on the bottom? The bottoms of BAs feet are white or pinkywhite...this might give you another clue as to if they are.

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