Black Austalorp with white markings on her wing feathers.

Lady Ressler

In the Brooder
7 Years
May 2, 2012
North Dakota
So I bought a pair of Barred Rock Pullets, Buff Orpington Pullets, and Black Australorps. My questions has to do with the last pair. One of the Black Australorps has white markings on the end of her mature wing feathers. I was under the impression that this breed was ALL black. The other Black Australorp's mature feathers are all black and the only other yellow is around her face from her baby feathers. She is the 4th one back in the picture. 1st is a Buff Orpington, 2nd is a Barred Rock, 3rd one back is another Buff Orpington, and the 4th one back is her (the other one on the right in the back is another Barred Rock. Is this just not a pure bread Black Australorp or is it another breed?
Most black chicks start out with some white on their chest, heads, and wing feathers. Don't worry, she will molt a few times before she gets her adult feathers in and it she will be pure black
Even the feathers she has on her wings now. The white is on the feathers and not on the chick down. How many times do they molt before the mature color is permanent?
I'm not sure, for some reason 3 comes to mind
I have some 8 week old cockerels that still have a smidgen of white on their primaries, so don't worry, it will eventually go away.
Good news, non of the birds I bought were roos.

Bad news, but still good, the 2 australorp pullets I bought turned out to be silver laced wyandottes. Which is what I also really wanted in my flock. It is bad because I went back a few weeks after I bought the first bunch and bought 2 silver laced wyandottes. Now I have 4 SL Wyandottes and no Australorps.

Oh well.
I have a 8 week old Blk Australorp who also has white on the wing tips.... I was wondering the same thing. I don't really care if she outgrows them or not, as long as she lays lots of beautiful eggs!
I have a 8 week old Blk Australorp who also has white on the wing tips.... I was wondering the same thing. I don't really care if she outgrows them or not, as long as she lays lots of beautiful eggs!
I feel the same way. My 8 BA's are 2 weeks old and a couple of them have two all white feathers at the end of their wings. It's kind of pretty but I too was under the impression that they would be all black. The feathers, down or whatever it is around their faces, necks and chests are varying colors of white, gray and black. I'm just wanting a great group of girls to give me dependable, delicious eggs. I wouldn't mind if they liked me in the process but right now they seem scared of me. Maybe when I can give them treats.

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