Bizarre Craigslist interaction

I had a lady once pick up some chicks that I was selling straight run, all 7 for $10. They were mixed breed, off heat. Just needed to move them out. When she got home she texted me that I charged too much and how difficult things were for her financially.
I sent her a text asking for her address so I could mail her back the $10.
She then accused me of trying to stalk her!
I did not respond to this and thankfully never heard from her again.
People are crazy, that is for sure. 🤣
Always use exteme caution when dealing with anyone on Craigslist!
I had a lady once pick up some chicks that I was selling straight run, all 7 for $10. They were mixed breed, off heat. Just needed to move them out. When she got home she texted me that I charged too much and how difficult things were for her financially.
I sent her a text asking for her address so I could mail her back the $10.
She then accused me of trying to stalk her!
I did not respond to this and thankfully never heard from her again.
People are crazy, that is for sure. 🤣
Always use exteme caution when dealing with anyone on Craigslist!
7 chicks for $10? That is literally a steal! Who even complains about that?! 😵
for sure, thing is if 1.5 dollars a chick was too expensive for her I do question if she was going to spend the money they needed to be raised properly on feeders, waterers, food, bedding, heating, equipment and the coop.
Agreed, since then I only respond to people who ask relevant questions about the chicks care. I always ask now if they have experience in the care of chickens and give them links to BYC! ☺️

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