Bizarre Craigslist interaction



Apr 15, 2020
I thought you guys might get a laugh from this. Yesterday I received an email reply thru craigslist about some hens I’m selling, it said only, “distance to dingmans in pa” that’s it. I googled dingmans pa and it seems to be dingmans ferry probably so I replied it seems to be several hours away, and got a reply that simply said “2”.

No further emails. No idea if they’re expecting a reply or what that reply would even be haha. I just said thank you.
Haha! I had a craigslist experience funny too! I asked if they had any more of the chicks they had shown available, and then they said what? So I answered that I saw an ad online for chicks this number was selling, and they asked me if I wanted chicks (women) or chicks (chickens) !!
Omg! Were they serious?

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