Best product for worming chickens?


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Jul 3, 2022
NSW Australia
I've been seeing some what I think are round worms in some of my hens poops. Also some have a bit dirty bums.
The only actual chicken worming product I can find (I'm in Australia btw) is this
I have tried using it in the past, and it didn't seem terribly affective, and I would much prefer something that I can give directly to the hens that need it.
Can I use this The active ingredient is Fenbendazole which I think I've heard of people using?
If so, whats the dosage, and how does one administer it?
You can use the Panacur. The dose would be 0.5ml/Kg of body weight.
I weigh my birds on a digital scale I purchased for this purpose only.
Then I take piece of bread and squirt the dose into the bread and feed it to the bird in a room away from the other birds so the bread isn't stolen. I work down my list of birds and check them off as they are dosed and put them back in the coop.
Repeat in 10 days.
There is an egg withdrawal period of 14 days after the second dose so eggs aren't supposed to be eaten or fed back to the birds for 24 days after treatment begins.
OR you can give this dose daily for 5 consecutive days to treat nearly all worms that they chickens might have. This would put the total withdrawal period at 19 days.
You can use the Panacur. The dose would be 0.5ml/Kg of body weight.
I weigh my birds on a digital scale I purchased for this purpose only.
Then I take piece of bread and squirt the dose into the bread and feed it to the bird in a room away from the other birds so the bread isn't stolen. I work down my list of birds and check them off as they are dosed and put them back in the coop.
Repeat in 10 days.
There is an egg withdrawal period of 14 days after the second dose so eggs aren't supposed to be eaten or fed back to the birds for 24 days after treatment begins.
OR you can give this dose daily for 5 consecutive days to treat nearly all worms that they chickens might have. This would put the total withdrawal period at 19 days.
Thanks very much!
Is there any problem with treating half the flock, and then once I can eat their eggs again treat the other half so as to have a continuing supply of eggs? Or would that be causing problems?
Thanks very much!
Is there any problem with treating half the flock, and then once I can eat their eggs again treat the other half so as to have a continuing supply of eggs? Or would that be causing problems?
The ones that are not treated will continue to pass worm eggs and the ones that have been treated can be reinfected. I would treat all at the same time.
Or you can just eat the eggs. Many members do and are alive to tell you about it. Myself included. I don't, however, sell those eggs.
The ones that are not treated will continue to pass worm eggs and the ones that have been treated can be reinfected. I would treat all at the same time.
Or you can just eat the eggs. Many members do and are alive to tell you about it. Myself included. I don't, however, sell those eggs.
That makes sense, my main concern with not having eggs, was that I've got quite a few chicks in the moment that don't like eating chick starter (I blame their mothers for that!) and I like to give them some hard-boiled egg for extra protein.
I guess I will figure something out!
That makes sense, my main concern with not having eggs, was that I've got quite a few chicks in the moment that don't like eating chick starter (I blame their mothers for that!) and I like to give them some hard-boiled egg for extra protein.
I guess I will figure something out!
Offer them a chick starter mash with some sardines it.
If they are like my flock they'll go crazy over it.
You could also use Flubenol 5% available in Australia through:
There is no withdrawal time for eggs and meat.

Although when using the double dosage to treat tape worms, I would recommend 7-10 days of egg-withdrawal period. But during the 7 day period while you are still treating them, you could give them back their own eggs scrambling or boiling them, so they will not be wasted.
You could also use Flubenol 5% available in Australia through:
There is no withdrawal time for eggs and meat.

Although when using the double dosage to treat tape worms, I would recommend 7-10 days of egg-withdrawal period. But during the 7 day period while you are still treating them, you could give them back their own eggs scrambling or boiling them, so they will not be wasted.
I'll think about, but I'll probably use the Panacur as we've already got it for our goats.

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