Bantam Rhode Island Red Thread

Here are a few of the gang at 2 1/2 weeks old. The cockerels are beginning to turn dark red down the sides of their breasts. The LiL golden head in front is hopefully a Pullet.

This one may be a Pullet also. I'll find out for sure in a few more weeks.
Ahhhh! Finally; at 5 weeks of age they're turning red. Feathers are growing like weeds. Here they are pigging out on white millet. They just love it when I give them a treat.
Well; it's been a few weeks since my last post. These chicks are growing fast. I'm still guessing as to how many Roos I have. Next week should be the determining factor though, as their combs and wattles will tell which are and are not. They are 8 weeks old in this pic.
My 8month old RIR bantam still isn't laying..... is something wrong???
Hi Chicken-Man:
Not necessarily. The desired age is about 5 months, but I've had some that waited till they were 7 months, and then it was a hit and miss. I've heard of them not laying until a year of age. As long as it doesn't start crowing there's hope.
My gang of 14 RIR Bantams in their new 3'w x '5 L coop at bed time . They are 9 weeks old.. Look at the little guy standing on his head.


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