Baby chicks fighting like roosters


Jul 21, 2019
Bulgaria, a country in Eastern Europe
My Coop
My Coop
Excuse my ignorance, but I have a question about baby chicks. These are my first chicks ever (never had chicken before) and I am not sure what to think. I have chicks that are 15 days old today. Some of them fight like roosters - they jump and hit each other in the chest. The question is: Those that fight like roosters, are they male or females fight the same way too? In other words - can I identify male/female by looking at who's fighting and who isn't?
My largest group (30+) are cross-breeds or Heinz57 :). I am trying to identify their gender as I will be giving them away soon. BUT I have 2 Leghorns - my first and only Leghorns - 28 days old now and they are fighting the same way and I am almost 90% sure one of them is female.
Just something chicks do regardless. All mine were girls and they had a fighting phase. Just trying to establish dominance or, like FortCluck stated much more eloquently, figuring out who they are in their current social setting :)
THANK YOU! After hearing it from 3 witnesses (very Biblical :)) , that is all so relieving :wee, I was concerned I have ended up with 25 cockerels :rolleyes:
If I recorded mine and showed you the behavior, I'm sure you're seeing the same thing. I take it as they are playing and just establishing who they are in the chick flock.

They're so fun to watch!
If you have my horrible luck, you will have 20/25 cockerels. :lau
Well, unless they are Bantams if I had 20/25 cockerels I would be well and happy. We had the same discussion in another thread - here cockerels that are just about to start (but not yet) crowing are considered to make the tastiest soup, so their price triples as they approach 4-5 months of age (just before they start crowing) and then as soon as they start crowing, the price drops down. I am not sure what I will end up with, but even if the majority are cockerels, we will be eating a lot of delicacysen (I know such word does not exist :) soup :)

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