Baby Chick Sneezing

Chichin Mama

Making lemonade 🍋🐣
Jun 13, 2022
Battle Creek, Mi
Yesterday we got bantam babies from TSC. Today, I have noticed a lot of sneezing from the one little chick, in particular. I would have marked it off to bedding allergies, except that I have paper towels in there so there shouldn't be anything in the brooder that would be bothering his respiratory system. It is not continual, but he does it a lot more than any of the others. It seems more frequent than the occasional sneeze after drinking too much water. He seems like a happy little chick other than his sneezing, hopping around the brooder and sleeping with the rest. I say sneezing because that's what I am assuming it is: a clicking noise and a toss of the head with occasional fluid splashing out when he does it. I have checked his eyes, and his nose doesn't seem blocked. I don't want to worry unnecessarily, but I also don't want to ignore a problem.

I am wondering if I should take him out in case it is contagious. I just don't want to stress the poor little thing out, and he is perfectly fine other than the sneezing.

Does anyone know what could be wrong with it, or if it's normal and I should just stop worrying?
There could be a number of respiratory problems that could be causing the chick's sneezing. Some of the most common respiratory problems in chicks include infectious bronchitis, mycoplasma, and avian influenza. if it is one of these illnesses it’s most likely that the other chicks will have the same, However, it could also be something as simple as an agitation in the environment, It's probably best to keep an eye on the chick and monitor its condition.
There could be a number of respiratory problems that could be causing the chick's sneezing. Some of the most common respiratory problems in chicks include infectious bronchitis, mycoplasma, and avian influenza. if it is one of these illnesses it’s most likely that the other chicks will have the same, However, it could also be something as simple as an agitation in the environment, It's probably best to keep an eye on the chick and monitor its condition.
Okay, thank you! I will keep a close eye on it and see if it gets any worse.

I have been watching my littles, and the one I was concerned about has not gotten any worse (still a dry sneeze). I have been dosing them with probiotics and have a humidifier going in the room to try and help cut down on dust.

However, my ameraucana chick has started sneezing. What really concerns me is that her sneeze is more wet sounding and I have noticed her gurgling. Her crop seems to be emptying fine and I haven't noticed any runny nose, but it kind of looks like there might be blockage in her nostrils, it is really hard to tell.

Is there anything else I can do for her? I really don't want to lose her!

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