Baby chick sneeze


7 Years
Jul 10, 2016
3-4week polish chick has been stretching neck and opening beak on every inhale and seems like a went sound sneeze since yesterday. Separated from others…the front one w her was seen open beak breathing but no sneezing. Given electrolytes in water plain yogurt and changed bedding to paper towels. Any ideas on further treatment and if I should be keeping the other w her even though there’s no sneezing from the other. (Could not post video but added photo of open beak)


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3-4week polish chick has been stretching neck and opening beak on every inhale and seems like a went sound sneeze since yesterday. Separated from others…the front one w her was seen open beak breathing but no sneezing. Given electrolytes in water plain yogurt and changed bedding to paper towels. Any ideas on further treatment and if I should be keeping the other w her even though there’s no sneezing from the other. (Could not post video but added photo of open beak)
At worst, it's an upper respiratory infection, much like humans get. Sometimes they get over these themselves, but sometimes they won't and need an antibiotic.

It sounds like if it was bedding, the paper towel replacement didn't fix the issue.

I'd give them all vitamin water like Poultry Cell or Nutra Drench every other day for a week or two. That'll help it fight it if it's an infection and yes, keep her isolated until you know for sure what's wrong as if it's a resp infection, that's contagious. If no improvement within a few days I'd get an antibiotic. I think some folks are still getting Aquamox online, and TSC has one that we'd need the dosage for.
I doubt it's a respiratory infection. Causes could be ammonia fumes from soiled bedding, inhalation of feed dust, improper ventilation. I'd back off on the heat lamp as well at 3-4 weeks old.

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