Baby Chick Born with Umbilical Stump, Crying


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2020
Hello guys,
We did just our first incubator hatch and had 5 beauties. One of our birds hatched with a red/pink mass on its stomach, from reading these forums I believe it is an umbilical stump, there was no yolk, and now on day 5 it is hard and dry. We have been applying a small amount of coconut oil for its antibacterial properties and have her separated in a brooder because she was a bit weaker than the rest and getting picked on. Day 3 she was excessively tired (compared to the rest) and we allowed her to rest and gave her a little molasses water and egg yolk. Day 4 she seemed to perk up, began eating and drinking. We all celebrated and cried. Day 5 (today) she is still eating and drinking but is now crying nearly constantly and seems to be colder than usual. There was a slight amount of pinkish blood coming from the lump. She quiets down around 100 degrees which is warmer than the 95 I know she’s supposed to be at. Is this okay for her short term while she regains some strength? She is eating and drinking but has lost one gram since her birth (44 grams). We do not know the breed, she is grey(almost purple) and black, a beautiful bird. She is on dish cloth rags because they were eating their wood shavings. She is responsive, walking around, and we have tons of hope. Any advice or experience is appreciated.


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Can you try adding some water to a small amount of the crumbles to make them like oatmeal and see if she will eat those. The crumbles in the picture look a little large for a little chick, but that might not be the problem. Is she pooping? I would put some disinfectant such as Betadine, alcohol, or chlorhexidine on the stump, not any more oil, and let it dry out. If you can get Poultry NutriDrench at your feed store and give her a couple of drops daily, that would give her a boost.
Can you try adding some water to a small amount of the crumbles to make them like oatmeal and see if she will eat those. The crumbles in the picture look a little large for a little chick, but that might not be the problem. Is she pooping? I would put some disinfectant such as Betadine, alcohol, or chlorhexidine on the stump, not any more oil, and let it dry out. If you can get Poultry NutriDrench at your feed store and give her a couple of drops daily, that would give her a boost.
the feed has since been ground so it is easier to eat, but they were eating all the little pieces in the bigger crumble. She is eating on her own right now. She is pooping, a mix between healthy brown solid ones and light brown watery ones. We will try a little alcohol. Hoping for the best, we will look into the NutriDrench. Thankyou!
I have never had a problem with chicks, even bantams, eating crumbles, but some people have said that they grind some for their little silkies.
I have never had a problem with chicks, even bantams, eating crumbles, but some people have said that they grind some for their little silkies.
They seem to be eating the crumble just fine as well, there are a few pieces that were too big but everyone seems to be thriving. Our little crier seems to be doing better today by the way, she’s now sleeping on her belly like the rest of the little flock, drinking and eating on her own still, and a lot less peeping . We washed her butt with a saline solution and have been keeping her clean and dry. Maybe this was just a little phase for her, keeping our fingers crossed. Again thanks for the help.

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