Urgent! Possible herniated umbilical or unabsorbed yolk sack? Should I remove?


Oct 6, 2021
We found this baby yesterday newly hatched on the coop floor alone. His mother was dead, by a snake it looks like. 😭
I'm posting a picture of what he looked like 11 hrs ago when first found vs now. PXL_20230728_232108022.jpg PXL_20230728_232120838.jpg
PXL_20230729_151124284.jpg The mass that we are unsure is intestines, umbilical, yolk sac, or a little bit of everything, has dried up a lot a reduced significantly in size as you can see. The baby doesn't seem significantly different than he did 11 hrs ago in behavior. He chirps when he's unhappy, he wobbles around but doesn't walk, and mostly just sleeps. His eyes are squinty and mostly closed. He hasn't been interested in eating or drinking yet, but I dipped his beak in water this morning and he pulled his head back in a reflex to drink it, tho he didn't go back to it on his own. I've been applying Neosporin to the navel area around the mass.
This morning I gave the half of his body that was still sticky and not fluffing out a gentle bath in warm water with a dab of dish soap. He didn't seem to care about the bath but he hated the blow dryer and protested loudly while hobbling wildly to escape. (We gave him breaks since he hated it so much).
What do y'all think? Is the mass just his intestines atrophying and he's dying slowly? Is it egg yolk and umbilical that is drying up as he soaks up the nutrients? Should I attempt to remove it with a string and scissors now that it's all dried up, or should I just leave it be? What does everyone think?

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