Babies! 3 brown ones, and the silly yellow one. :p


Staff PhD
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 25, 2007
Everett WA/Corvallis OR

Think the brown ones are the wildtype... but what is that yellow one. LOL It stands in it's brooder and just screams while the other three walk off half the time. It's going to be a special one. LOL
That's an English White (aka Texas A&M). He will turn white when he gets his feathers. He looks like he'll have a little brown spot on the top of his head as well.

I've found that the English Whites are slower to grow and mature than the colored birds. But they are really friendly and cute!

I love your fuzzy butts!
Yes, you are correct. I should have clarified that. But unfortunately, they are sometimes English Whites and TAM are used synonymously which is why I put it in parenthesis.

OK. Those are way too big of words to use on a Friday afternoon!

My littlest EW chick, Tiny, turned out to be the biggest hen. The other chick turned out to be the smallest hen, but when I come up to the cage, she's right there letting me know what needs fixing (food dispenser empty, water empty, or more treats needed!) I usually have to hold her back so everyone else can get a chance at the mealworms or waxworms.
Actually... LOL

I don't know exactly what they are supposed to be other than eatable Jumbos :p. I should ask the person who I got eggs from locally. Didn't think they had any A&M's.
It's odd because I didn't think you could spontaneously come out with an EW from browns. If the browns (wild type coloring) were tuxedos, you could, but I didn't think the EW genes could hide like the other color genes.

But I'm no expert, just trying to learn the genetics, which is a lot more complicated than I would like!
The Jumbo's are not A&M though, Im saying all brown, not jumbo brown color, all brown

The A and M whites were originally brown but selectively bred to be white for their looks.

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