ARE there any birds or else that sound like a loud raccoon chirring?


13 Years
Jan 28, 2009
Cecil Co. MD - 5Yrs. Chickens 4Yrs. Ducks
seemed too loud to be a frog, tho i assume frogs can be loud....

can't seem to catch eye of any birds in the evergreens tho.

"I say, i say boy, whatcha i say watcha looking for in them evergreens?"

"shhhh be vawy quiet, I'm huntin for coon" wascally cwitter"
coons do come out in daylight,but not very often,birds don,t make noises after dark unless bothered,squirrels also make a sharp,
(barking) sound,if it was after dark,I would say raccoon,,they make more of a chatter sound,
not meaning to hijack, but I just played the sound clip in that link posted and my 30+ cockatiels are DEAD SILENT now. Not a chirp, twitter, or fluff. I think it turned them to stone....

ETA: yeah, just noticed -- I obviously need to update my siggy line!
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I have the same thing going on here in Ma. I believe they are Eastern Grey Treefrogs. Yes, very loud. Almost impossible to see. They are very well camoflaged.


They do call during the day and night.
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How about this frog video................
Does it sound like 'that'???

I have these same tree frogs, that come up from the woods below my house this time of year..............
they start calling around dusk, and they are SOOOOOOOOOO loud!!!

They actually use our pool to lay their eggs in!
And I have to scoop out all the floating egg clumps, before they hatch...............otherwise there would be
hundreds of tadpoles in there!!!!!!!!!

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