Anyone and everyone, please help me!!


Yard Farmer

🇺🇸 John 8:36 🇺🇸
Premium Feather Member
Jan 5, 2022
The Wild West!
Hello everyone!
I really need y'alls help, my OEGB pullet is not looking good at all!
She was fine 2 days ago. But when I went out yesterday, her balance was distorted and little, to no appetite.
Today, she can't even stand. She's laying on her side, and when she does try to stand she falls forward and pushes herself with her feet...
I can grab pics if needed too.
Any ideas on what's wrong with her? I really do not want to loss this girl, she's part of my being program.
Any and all help appreciated!

God bless, Yarmer ~
How old is she?
What are you feeding her?
What temperature is the brooder?
What does her poop look like?
Only about 6 months.

My own feed. It's a mix of.. Oatmeal, black sunflower seeds, crack corn, and a mix of 3-4 seeds and grains.

Above 50 degrees.

Runny, and solid... Sometimes green.
Definitely need pictures to see her condition. Other details of how you been managing her is also important.
Ok. Yesterday when I noticed she was acting off, i gave her vitamins and minerals in her water, oatmeal with a little sugar to give her an energy boost.
Today, i diluted honey and oregano oil in her water.
Unfortunately that diet does not sound like it meets the needs of what chickens need. I would suggest buying a feed formulated for laying hens from a feed store. Your hen is most likely deficient. What type of vitamins did you give her? She will most likely need a supplement to get back on her feet as well.

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