Any fish breeders?


Bantam Cochin Collector
Oct 14, 2021
Any fish breeders out there? You don't have to be a person who is constantly breeding for profit, but just a person who has bred fish before, I guess lol. I haven't bred any fish yet but I am hopefully going to get guppies soon. I want guppies because I wanted an easy-breeding fish and guppies are the rabbits of the fish world. I also have a few comet goldfish. They were for feeding but the turtle doesn't eat them so they might breed eventually. I was going to get my guppies yesterday but PetSmart didn't have any males and Petco didn't have any guppies in stock at all. They both get new fish tomorrow, so I will call them then. I should have just gotten the females from PetSmart then but whatever. Anyway, uh, talk away.
I used to have an entire tank of guppies and now there are only 3 left. All the others randomly disappeared one by one. I found one dried up on the floor, but that doesn't even make sense the tank has a lid on it. I never found the rest.
Strange. I wonder how that happened.
Any fish breeders out there? You don't have to be a person who is constantly breeding for profit, but just a person who has bred fish before, I guess lol. I haven't bred any fish yet but I am hopefully going to get guppies soon. I want guppies because I wanted an easy-breeding fish and guppies are the rabbits of the fish world. I also have a few comet goldfish. They were for feeding but the turtle doesn't eat them so they might breed eventually. I was going to get my guppies yesterday but PetSmart didn't have any males and Petco didn't have any guppies in stock at all. They both get new fish tomorrow, so I will call them then. I should have just gotten the females from PetSmart then but whatever. Anyway, uh, talk away.
Idk what they will have at petco, But at PetSmart the female guppies were fancy guppies. I can't remember what the tag said the males were. They had tags for 3 different types of males, but the females were just fancy.
Any fish breeders out there? You don't have to be a person who is constantly breeding for profit, but just a person who has bred fish before, I guess lol. I haven't bred any fish yet but I am hopefully going to get guppies soon. I want guppies because I wanted an easy-breeding fish and guppies are the rabbits of the fish world. I also have a few comet goldfish. They were for feeding but the turtle doesn't eat them so they might breed eventually. I was going to get my guppies yesterday but PetSmart didn't have any males and Petco didn't have any guppies in stock at all. They both get new fish tomorrow, so I will call them then. I should have just gotten the females from PetSmart then but whatever. Anyway, uh, talk away.
Please take mine!!!
I’m begging you hahaha. I think I have like over 20 babies in all right now and no idea what I’m going to do with them. They’re so cute, I know you can’t resist

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