Any fish breeders?

Also, I got some ghost shrimp maybe a month or two back. Well, I saw the comets eat a few, I was thinking that was the end of that. But yesterday I saw three or four of them. So Idk if they bred or if those are some of the ones I bought, but if they haven't bred I hope they will soon.
Any fish breeders out there? You don't have to be a person who is constantly breeding for profit, but just a person who has bred fish before, I guess lol. I haven't bred any fish yet but I am hopefully going to get guppies soon. I want guppies because I wanted an easy-breeding fish and guppies are the rabbits of the fish world. I also have a few comet goldfish. They were for feeding but the turtle doesn't eat them so they might breed eventually. I was going to get my guppies yesterday but PetSmart didn't have any males and Petco didn't have any guppies in stock at all. They both get new fish tomorrow, so I will call them then. I should have just gotten the females from PetSmart then but whatever. Anyway, uh, talk away.
When I was a kid we had lots of fish tanks, that was all the rage in the 70's. Dad used to breed guppies to feed to larger fish. There was a plastic divider thing with small holes he'd put in to divide a 10 gallon tank that the adults couldn't fit thru but the babies could swim to the other side and be safe while they got bigger. He also had mesh over the filter so the babies didn't get sucked up into that.
We use to have a 75 gallom aquarium. That we had hundreds of guppies in not all at once. We got fancy guppies, and just some normal ones. Be ready to catch 50 plus babies when they give birth. And do watch how many males you get as they do their job quickly just like chickens. We actually had a few aggressive males that went in with a betta fish and they got along then. We use to have holding tanks on the side of our tank that held the babies until they were big. Its easy to breed them, i didnt do it for the money never sold a one. I just loved the fact of creating colors. We got a bright teal fancy guppy at one point.
Then they started dieing off and we kept buying more and more eventually not being able to keep them alive.
Our towns water is horrible for fish the ph was always high. Make sure to test the water weekly.
After we searched and tried many different breeds including swordfish, mollies, angel fish, gouramis, then our last and my favorite next to guppies were chichlids. We got 4 then we ended up getting rid of them. But the person we gave them to said a week after we gave them to him, that thry had over 800 babies.
Edit to add:we also had ghost shrimp, algea eaters and assassin snails.
Good luck in your journey !
@Dr Evy What color(s) are your guppies?


I’m not sure what color the babies will be yet.

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