Another one for Rob


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
N. Louisiana
Rob, remember the link you gave me to go to the New Posts page? I love it, it's the main page I use. If you can, I'd like to see a link back to that page at the bottom of the thread page. You know, so when I get finished reading a thread I could click the link to go directly back to the new posts page. Maybe next to where it says Subscribe to this Thread. Just offering suggestions.

Oh, and I loooove the little chickie on my toolbar on my link to this forum! Thanks!!
This place ROCKS!

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Hi Becky! ...I am not Rob...but I just hit my back button ...and normally I would expect to be able to get back to the page (in this case the new posts page)...but as you noted...IT DOESN'T WORK ... and then I have to click... sigh
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Oh, and I loooove the little chickie on my toolbar on my link to this forum! Thanks!!


I want a little chickie on my tool bar!! How did you get it?

For you Becky... anything!

I've added the link to "recent posts" to the bottom left of the page. It is right below subscribe and right above the "jump to" link.

Chel... I created a "favicon" that should show up in the browser toolbar/address. It actually isn't showing up for me, but I think this is because of some bug in IE that if you visited the form and site before I created the favicon it won't show. I'll look into a fix...
dlh, I hit the back button, too, but it doesn't show what has come up since I was there, just what was there when I was there before. Got that? Clear as mud when I read it back.

eggchel, I dunno. It was just there. sorry I can't help

Rob. Ooooo thank you, thank you. You are sooooo sweet! I've tried it and it makes life so much easier. Now, when my teapot smiley appears on the bar with your other clickable smileys I'll be as snug as a bug in a rug.

Chel, try this (in Internet Explorer)

Click on the tiny IE icon on the left of the address bar. Drag and drop the icon into the main page. That should force IE to change the icon from teh default IE icon to the chicken.
Must be magic. I dont use IE and I didnt do any of the stuff you suggested, but poof, the chickie has appeared. LOL Thanks

The whole "favicon" thing is an internet mystery. My bookmark was the chicken for about 2 weeks, then it went poof. It will be nice when all the browsers actually treat the favicon with respect... lots of sites use them and it makes bookmarking / browsing much better.
This is some ancillary favicon info for IE types:

There is a program, Favorg, that provides for favicon persistence in IE 4-6 (don't know squat about 7). It also cleans up dead links while searching out current icons (this will take a while on dialup - 40min. on 1.5DSL for 2800+sites). It also provides rudimentary information on each site server. It is a very small app. I found the free version 1.2 at the following link:
(look under the PCMAG UTILITIES section)

You will need a zip file extractor program (winzip, for example) to open the files, but installation is painless.

To read about this program further, in as much depth as you like, or to purchase and download the latest version, Favorg 1.4), go to,1895,1163160,00.asp

(Works well on W2kPro/IE6)
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