All black barred rock at 8 weeks.


Jun 27, 2023
South central Missouri
I bought 3 chicks that were sold at a local national chain farm and garden type store as "Barred Rock". They were all three black when got them. The all black one in first photo was all black as chick. Had no white stripe on top of head. The two speckled ones in second photo had the white stripe on top of head and have stayed a bit bigger then my black one. They are 8 weeks old now. When I've tried to Google lens "Steve" (grandbaby named her after some black creature from Minecraft (🤣😂) it keeps popping up Araucana. I've tried to find if some barred rock stay all black as grow up but no luck. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Oh he has started getting a lot more of the ear feathers lately where they stick out noticably. Thanks all.


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I bought 3 chicks that were sold at a local national chair farm and garden type store as "Barred Rock". They were all three black when got them. The all black one in first photo was all black as chick. Had no white stripe on top of head. The two speckled ones in second photo had the white stripe on top of head and have stayed a bit bigger then my black one. They are 7 weeks old now. When I've tried to Google lens "Steve" (grandbaby named her after some black creature from Minecraft (🤣😂) it keeps popping up Araucana. I've tried to find if some barred rock stay all black as grow up but no luck. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Oh he has started getting a lot more of the ear feathers lately where they stick out noticably. Thanks all.
Steve is not a barred rock. LOL Guess Araucana/Ameraucana is more apt. I believe they are also called Easter Eggers.
2nd picture isn't showing.
IMHO - and that's all it is, an OPINION:
Black one is probably an Easter Egger (or EE). Parents might have been an Araucana or Ameraucana (those cute fluffy cheeks!) crossed with another breed (perhaps BPR or 'barred rock' for yours?), which results in an EE. The other two do appear to be Barred Plymouth Rocks.

I have a few BPR hens in my flock, and roosters of other mixed breeds. Their offspring are all hatched black. Males develop barring, females don't. As I understand it, barring on females only appears with pure or almost pure BPR genes.

And all three look like pullets.
Update. My lil probable EE is growing up. Well all are lol. Proud chicky mom here 🤭. Steve is fluffing out more by ears. She's gotten s green sheen to some feathers in the sun. Also pic of (I'm hoping) only too in the bunch. He's started crowing at 6sm sharp and in the evening when he moves his flock to their house at dusk). He's one of the odd ball ones I picked up and was told he's from EE's.
I love this group. So much friendly info and such a great relief from the sarcasm of other groups. Everyone needs to give themselves a pat on the back for being awesome sauce people!!!!


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Another update and question. Steve is 3 days shy of 16 weeks now. First pic is mainly cause I love her sheen in the sun lol. But been reading on here and Google and guess when they have skinny pointy feathers on their hackles and tail and saddle that points to a Roo correct? Steve's feathers (to me anyway) all seem to be rounded. Yeti noticed today that she's got sharp spurs just barely poking thru (growing I guess you'd say) on her legs. Her comb has also grown. Does this point to my Steve actually being a "Steve" 🤭 . I don't remember where I read it but thought had read once in a great while a hen will have spurs also. I am so hoping Steve is a hen lol. But thinking that's not so. Thanks again for any input. IMG_20230827_135735452.jpg IMG_20230827_135910492_HDR.jpg
View attachment 3621150
Another update and question. Steve is 3 days shy of 16 weeks now. First pic is mainly cause I love her sheen in the sun lol. But been reading on here and Google and guess when they have skinny pointy feathers on their hackles and tail and saddle that points to a Roo correct? Steve's feathers (to me anyway) all seem to be rounded. Yeti noticed today that she's got sharp spurs just barely poking thru (growing I guess you'd say) on her legs. Her comb has also grown. Does this point to my Steve actually being a "Steve" 🤭 . I don't remember where I read it but thought had read once in a great while a hen will have spurs also. I am so hoping Steve is a hen lol. But thinking that's not so. Thanks again for any input. View attachment 3621297View attachment 3621150
Steve looks like a hen to me! There is no male feather patterning on Steve, so I think it’s a girl. She is pretty!

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