All advice for raising ducklings please



Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
So I am thinking about hatching some ducklings and raising them for about a week or so and then I have other homes for them

I have raised many chicks but not ducklings. Need help on brooder set up, what to use for their water and food, if I get duckling food do they need extra niacin etc. anything that you can think of that I may need to know please tell me.

I brood my chicks in a 45 or 55 gal tote with a MHP and puppy pads on the floor to start. Will that work for ducklings??

Also anything special for incubating them? Temp? humidity? Should I mist them???? I know they take 28 days to hatch normally. I think I am doing mixed breeds.
New to duckies also…they are so messy, but so cute!
Keep checking for bruises regardless! This is the one mistake I made: I had a safety hole in air cell and though I could stop worrying about it, and then I guess the chick turned (maybe my handling it confused it? XD or I was mistaken about internal pip) and it ended up bruising the side/bottom end and I didn't see it immediately, so I had to make two safety holes in the end :D

Also Yes <3, always reassuring to have @New duck mommy 2021 around for hatching advice! So grateful myself :)
I do keep looking at them all. Like every hour. 😂🤣😂. So hopefully I don't miss any bruising
I would close the hole for now
No need for air in there with baby not in
Even after he internal pips I would leave the hole covered and only make a tiny hole in the kitchen wrap
Big holes for that long will cause the membrane to dry over him
Thanks. I am kicking myself right now. I have done so many eggtopsys and never had this before. I check for movement before I do them and this one I checked many times over 2 days.... Ugh. I am hoping I didn't kill it
If those veins are not red but more of a very pale pink to clear then he is very close or ready
The egg being so easy to see through is the sign I use along with veins looking drained
Maybe wet the membrane with coconut oil and see how the veins look if they look drained in and out then you can start to assist
Be careful and go slow just in case he still has a little yolk left
I’m thinking he doesn’t but could have a tiny one
Is he still chewing ?
The only veins would be way down at the bottom of the egg. I am at work now but have my daughter watching the plastic wrap. I will candle when I get home and assist if he looks ready.

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