Age limit on buying chicks from feed store?


5 Years
May 1, 2014
Spokane WA
My grandson, (and I) were wondering if you have to be 18 to buy chicks from a farm supply store? Also, I was wondering if you can raise a single silkie hen chick to add to an existing flock?
My grandson, (and I) were wondering if you have to be 18 to buy chicks from a farm supply store? Also, I was wondering if you can raise a single silkie hen chick to add to an existing flock?

I don't think there is an age limit but the assumption that someone of appropriate age will be caring for the animal. Raising a lone chick is difficult, they are social, flock animals. The lone bird will be less skilled more than likely depressed and unaware of chicken society/rules. Silkies often don't mix well with large fowl. It may help to have two so that they have an alliance going into the flock for their own survival. Since bantams are unsexed, you have as much of a chance of roo as hen. I hope this helps. good luck!
Georgia DOA requires a drivers license so i know you have to be of age to drive in order to purchase them yourself.
True, but if you as grandma, take your grandson in to pick out the bird and let him hand over the cash, they would probably suspect that Grandma is the caretaker of the bird.
I'm sure there is an age restriction. However some teens look older and probably will by pass needing to show an ID. Now as for chicks I would recommend buying 3-4. Because they need another chick to bond with other wise you get a non-stop peeping depressed chick. They also learn from each other. With silikies they are unsexed due to their size. I do recommend getting 4 or more. They can be very hard to sex even as they get older. Some people might be able to help sex at 6 months on here with photos and then you could rehome the extras.
In the UK I worked in a pet shop. We were not allowed to see any animals to anyone under 18 years old.. unless they had an adult with them. Don't know if its the same in the USA.
Thanks for all the information everybody
In the UK I worked in a pet shop. We were not allowed to see any animals to anyone under 18 years old.. unless they had an adult with them. Don't know if its the same in the USA.

I'm sure there is an age restriction. However some teens look older and probably will by pass needing to show an ID. Now as for chicks I would recommend buying 3-4. Because they need another chick to bond with other wise you get a non-stop peeping depressed chick. They also learn from each other. With silikies they are unsexed due to their size. I do recommend getting 4 or more. They can be very hard to sex even as they get older. Some people might be able to help sex at 6 months on here with photos and then you could rehome the extras.

Georgia DOA requires a drivers license so i know you have to be of age to drive in order to purchase them yourself.

I don't think there is an age limit but the assumption that someone of appropriate age will be caring for the animal. Raising a lone chick is difficult, they are social, flock animals. The lone bird will be less skilled more than likely depressed and unaware of chicken society/rules. Silkies often don't mix well with large fowl. It may help to have two so that they have an alliance going into the flock for their own survival. Since bantams are unsexed, you have as much of a chance of roo as hen. I hope this helps. good luck!
This is off topic, but somewhat related. I'm in my 70's now, but as a teen of about 12 or 13, I was privileged to buy my first 410 shotgun by myself, and carried it home on the city bus. Of curse it helped that the store was owned by distant family, & my mother had checked in before hand. In today's society we're not so privileged. Have him take an adult along for support.

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