
Mar 31, 2023
I've got 5 new mystery chicks, when I went to the little store I bought them from the lady said that they were "bantams"- tbh i own a bantam and dont remember her being quite this big as a chick lol, plus this lady was clearly a friend looking over the store temporarily. They all have lil tail sprouts and wing feathers coming in, so i'm thinking maybe 5 days to a week old?? Would love some opinions
Three of them look identical (black with a couple of white wing feathers), then I have 1 with all white wing feathers (1st image) and then I have a tan one but i didnt include an image oops

Also does vent sexing work? It makes sense to me but also I don't see that many people talking about it so idk.


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Vent sexing is done by the big hatcheries by people specifically trained on how to do it. Done improperly, it can hurt the chick. Even then bantams are usually NOT sexed as they're so small they get hurt too easily.

At this point, going to have to wait on feathering out to see how they turn out. The little yellow one will likely be white. The dark ones will likely be black. Or blue. More markings can show up as they feather out. Comb type and leg color can help figure out what they are. The tan one not pictured, does it have stripes on its back like a chipmunk or is it more like the yellow but darker tones?
Also does vent sexing work? It makes sense to me but also I don't see that many people talking about it so idk.
Not nearly as easily as on ducks or geese (or even mammals.)

Male ducks have a penis-- you see it, you know you have a male. Male chickens do not. (That is also why people say not to keep male ducks with chickens: the female chickens can get hurt when he tries to mate with them.)

There is something that looks different in the vent of male vs. female chicks, which is what the trained workers at hatcheries look for, but from what I have read it is much more complicated than just looking for a penis or the lack of it. And there is the risk of injuring the chick, too. So most people do not learn how, and instead they wait until the chicks are around 6 weeks old, at which point the males will often have red in their combs & wattles but the females won't.

If you are really impatient you could try DNA sexing (send a sample to a lab, get a result back.) But it won't save you very many weeks, so it is probably not worth the money.
Here is one company that offers DNA bird sexing, if you want to see what is available:
I've got 5 new mystery chicks, when I went to the little store I bought them from the lady said that they were "bantams"- tbh i own a bantam and dont remember her being quite this big as a chick lol, plus this lady was clearly a friend looking over the store temporarily. They all have lil tail sprouts and wing feathers coming in, so i'm thinking maybe 5 days to a week old?? Would love some opinions
Three of them look identical (black with a couple of white wing feathers), then I have 1 with all white wing feathers (1st image) and then I have a tan one but i didnt include an image oops

Also does vent sexing work? It makes sense to me but also I don't see that many people talking about it so idk.
Not familiar with the breed, to early to tell gender. I would say at most 3 weeks old.

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