Advice on breeds for a newbie please.

I’ve had a Sussex and an Orpington, never went broody. Very friendly. I had a Barred Rock who never went broody. Just one of each, so not proof.
My Rhode Island Red went broody a lot, and she was aggressive to other chickens.
Good luck, Welcome to BYC, and post pics of what you get!
Personally I'd see if the feed stores are ordering and try to pick up some Calico Princess and Mystic Onyx pullets. Large brown eggs, usually very calm birds and the onyxes are practically a Cemani rip off for the most part in terms of looks
Rhode island reds are friendly but adventurous

our Buff Orpintion is sweet and has gone broody once

brahmas are not on the list but they are my personal favorite
I ended up with: 2 RI Reds, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Speckled Sussex, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Lavendar Orpingtons. They are almost 6 weeks. So far I have one Buff that is super sweet, and one Sussex that is real sweet. The Barred rocks dont want me messing with them much and the lavendars act like they are on fire when I touch them haha. I just try to handle them a little each day if I can. They will be moving to the coop this week now that temps are warming up

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