Adding Ducks...?

Child of Noah

6 Years
Mar 12, 2013
Upstate New York
So I got "my" chickens, and I raised "my" chickens, and I feed and clean "my" chickens, and now "my" chickens are out in the coop.
My Beloved Husband was never overly excited about the idea of "my" chickens. He loves to hold them on his lap and pet them and will enjoy the eggs, but those are "my" chickens and the chores are all mine.
Every animal we have had so far has been "mine" it was my idea to get the animal, and my responsibility to care for it. Which I am fine with.

So, now that the chickens are big girls and outside... my Beloved Husband is talking about wanting ducks.

Before I got chickens I researched the poop out of them.

I know nothing about ducks. Except that they have webbed feet, and platypus beaks. But I'm pretty sure they are not just web-footed chickens.

I currently have a 4 x 6 coop, with 6 nest boxes added on (in other words, not taking up any of the 4x6 space). I have two 4ft roost bars, and, if necessary could add a third one without being in the way. Also, we do have a pond.
We intend to free range the chickens (we currently have 6 chickens, standard layers).

I think that we COULD add 6 more chickens to the setup we already have. But we don't want 6 more chickens.

Can the ducks live in the coop with the chickens? Any recommended breed? How many could we add to this mix? I am thinking 2 - 4 ducks tops.

If you are wondering what he wants the ducks "for" ... primarily pet/ornamental birds. We do not have qualms of eating duck eggs if they should happen (that won't happen if we happen to get all boy ducks from the straight run bin). He eats duck, but is not interested at this time in a big meat production. Just a couple "pet" ducks.

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