A few Questions about switching over...


12 Years
May 18, 2007
Sterling, Ohio
Ok, I was reading Aimees thread in the general section, but didnt want to hijack her thread. My ladies are 16 1/2 - 17 wks old now and my question is....would it be all right to make the switch from starter to layer now, or wait till they are 18 wks? And when i do make it should it be done over a period of a week or so or all at once? Also, oyster shell after first egg...correct? THANKS!
If they are hybrids I would start switching them now. If they are pure blood then they can go up to 24 weeks on starter. At 16 weeks I usually start adding 25% layer diet and give grit free choice. Week 17 50% week 18 75% week 19 100%. Some just do a straight swap to layer. Some wait until they hit week 20 or even later. Opinions and ways very from person to person.

Correct on the oyster shell.
If you are about to run out of baby food, I wouldn't buy more at this point. Mix what you have with the layer food. Use the ratio kstaven suggested or just 50/50. It depends on what you have.
Thanks guys! We only have the 4 Pullets, A buff orp, A Barred rock. & 2 RIR's. I did the switch a couple of days ago. abt 50/50 or so. They are ones we that we got from the feed store. Kind of a side question here....Does it really matter what protein percentage the layer is? I Have seen it anywhere from 15% to 18% protein. We bought the 18%...Thanks again

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