50 roosters

Or they may just be game fowl that he's raising to maturity to resell.
Lots of folks are into game fowl and there can be good money in them.
And no just because that's the breed you like doesn't mean you're fighting them directly or indirectly.
Hell if he was into that he would of jump on the chance for someone to build him a barn I'd think.
And no just because that's the breed you like doesn't mean you're fighting them directly or indirectly.
But with only roosters, he would have to buy and resell. Would there be enough profit to compensate for the feed and effort through the growth stage? Honest question.

And the fighting could be there and as such a possible legal avenue.
But with only roosters, he would have to buy and resell. Would there be enough profit to compensate for the feed and effort through the growth stage? Honest question.

And the fighting could be there and as such a possible legal avenue.
I would think so but idk how profitable it would be exactly. I know here I see them for sell for a few hundred each.
Seems it could be.
@sdm111 would know.

But hey it's all speculation. Maybe he's doing a study on chicken sex reversal and looking for that needle in a haystack rooster that lays eggs.
That would make sense as to why he doesn't want any hens on the property and also why they're all caged separately.
Long post.
I live in a very rural area zoned ag with no county rules regarding noise/nuisance/number of fowl. A year ago my neighbor decided to start raising roosters to sell, he has around 50. They are kept in individual pens and he only has roosters. The pens are about 450 feet from my doorstep. There are trees and a county road between us. Animal control (not called by me), has been out there and he is doing nothing wrong/illegal. County is aware and nothing to be done.
I am literally about to lose my sanity. They crow nonstop for about 15 hours a day. There is zero auditory peace and I feel almost trapped inside anymore.
We’ve offered to build our neighbor a barn, put up a noise blocking fence on his property, all at our expense, but he will not work with us. We’ve offered to buy his property, we’ve offered to buy out the roosters with a clause he can’t have more.
We are not rich people, but our sanity is worth doing any of these things. And I don’t even know if a barn or fence would work but we’ve sincerely offered and would 100% build either or both.
We cannot move because the noise makes us unsellable and we have health issues in our family that make it impossible right now anyway.
Before anyone wants to be negative towards me, let me send you a recording from my yard and you listen to it nonstop every time you open your windows or step outside. I don’t care if he has 100 roosters, I just don’t want to hear them from 5am to after dark. Also, he works during the day and doesn’t have to listen to them.

We thought about a fence on our side of the county road with a mass loaded vinyl type cover but I think that would work better closer to the roosters on his property.
The advice we got from the county is to file a civil nuisance claim against him. I don’t love that idea because we’ve always been cordial until now and honestly I hate confrontation. And I hear these are hard to win anyways.
Any suggestions for how to contain the noise are so, so welcome. Im crying as I write this. I care for my handicapped/palliative care daughter at home and there’s not a single time during the day we can sit outside and enjoy the sunshine/breeze/morning/evening without roosters crowing. I know this is unnecessary information but I really just can’t take this anymore.
Wow!! 50 roosters?! i hope he isn't selling the poor roosters for fighting!
Question is why 50?

The only way i know to keep noise down (any noise ) is to build a noise proof room with noise barrier foam panels just like the ones used in a music studio
Long post.
I live in a very rural area zoned ag with no county rules regarding noise/nuisance/number of fowl. A year ago my neighbor decided to start raising roosters to sell, he has around 50. They are kept in individual pens and he only has roosters. The pens are about 450 feet from my doorstep. There are trees and a county road between us. Animal control (not called by me), has been out there and he is doing nothing wrong/illegal. County is aware and nothing to be done.
I am literally about to lose my sanity. They crow nonstop for about 15 hours a day. There is zero auditory peace and I feel almost trapped inside anymore.
We’ve offered to build our neighbor a barn, put up a noise blocking fence on his property, all at our expense, but he will not work with us. We’ve offered to buy his property, we’ve offered to buy out the roosters with a clause he can’t have more.
We are not rich people, but our sanity is worth doing any of these things. And I don’t even know if a barn or fence would work but we’ve sincerely offered and would 100% build either or both.
We cannot move because the noise makes us unsellable and we have health issues in our family that make it impossible right now anyway.
Before anyone wants to be negative towards me, let me send you a recording from my yard and you listen to it nonstop every time you open your windows or step outside. I don’t care if he has 100 roosters, I just don’t want to hear them from 5am to after dark. Also, he works during the day and doesn’t have to listen to them.

We thought about a fence on our side of the county road with a mass loaded vinyl type cover but I think that would work better closer to the roosters on his property.
The advice we got from the county is to file a civil nuisance claim against him. I don’t love that idea because we’ve always been cordial until now and honestly I hate confrontation. And I hear these are hard to win anyways.
Any suggestions for how to contain the noise are so, so welcome. Im crying as I write this. I care for my handicapped/palliative care daughter at home and there’s not a single time during the day we can sit outside and enjoy the sunshine/breeze/morning/evening without roosters crowing. I know this is unnecessary information but I really just can’t take this anymore.
by the way, a friend who's former police mentioned to me when i told hom your story "just call the local sheriff for that"
blast your favorite music during the hours your neighbor is home.
I did this when I had a neighbor who played his music very loudly. I played Nessun Dorma, sung by Pavarotti. LOUDLY. At the end, I yelled, "Hey, next door! I also have a LOT of soprano arias too!"

I am so sorry you and your family have to deal with this.
He is likely raising gamefowl. What the op is seeing is the stags. He likely has brood pens somewhere else. The whole point of living in the country is to be able to have these kinds of things. If you don't like it move. If they aren't doing anything illegal then leave them alone.
We have lots of dogs. Somebody recently moved in nearby and stated calling animal control on us and the neighbors nearby. They have come out multiple times and each time they conclude that everybody is fine.
Stop trying to control how everybody around you lives. That is for inside city limits.

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