5 Week Old Black Copper Marans Pullet/Cockerel?


Jun 14, 2015
Ok, I need some subjective eyes to look at my 5 week old Black Copper Marans and give me their opinion on whether he/she is looking like a pullet or cockerel, or if it is entirely too soon to tell. He/she is starting to show some wattles. This is our first Black Copper Marans. Thanks in advance!

So here it is 2 and 1/2 weeks later. Latte is now about 7.5 weeks old. She/he is getting some red hackle feathers. Her comb hints at roo to me, but her personality is more pullet like. She likes to be held and is very docile. What do you guys think? Or is it still to early? Sorry for the poor photo quality. Trying to take a picture of a dark bird that never stops moving in the house with not the best lighting is near impossible.

Thanks in advance!
(Crossing fingers for some chocolate eggs)

Close up so you can see red feathers coming in:
I'm curious is you have figured out the gender of this chick? I have a 5 week old that I thought was male, but it's comb is not growing at all and I'm starting to wonder.
I'm curious is you have figured out the gender of this chick? I have a 5 week old that I thought was male, but it's comb is not growing at all and I'm starting to wonder.
I still am not sure. Same here this one's comb isn't growing really fast now here. Also it acts more like a pullet, very sweet. I keep hoping. I have never had a black copper marans before so I am not sure at all.
Ok, 9.5 week old picture. Anyone have a guess pullet or cockerel? Still very sweet bird to people and other chicks.

I'm just guessing, your first post (3/21) I'd say Cockerel....Second post (4/9) guessing Cockerel....Latest post (4/18) guessing Pullet but I'm not familiar with this breed. Could you post a closer pic of it's back area, looking for hackle (tail area) & streamers (neck area). It's a test of patience for those that can't have Roosters :(
I'm rooting for a she on yours! I'm thinking she just had early wattle development? Though I'm not too familiar with BCM as I just got my first this year as well and am in a similar boat as you with my "girl"

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