2020 Fall Ducklings 🦆💖

The ducklings are four days old and have their second play-time in the "grass", this time i moved the duckling box a bit further away from the house where the vegetation is more green. And the grown up's are checking out their new sisters, i wonder what Katharina and Nona Duck are saying…
I think the big ducks are more interested in the possibility of getting into the ducklings’ feed than the ducklings themselves.
I just set up a camera and recorded what the ducklings are doing in their brooder when nobody is watching them. They're busy hunting flies…
Love watching those babies. Them chasing flies! And then the one that fell over backward and couldn’t get up. And the WL that got a wild hair up her butt and went crazy. Love it all.
WannaBeHillBilly Thank you for another very entertaining thread!

My Chocolate drake went to auction Friday after I opened their pen and found out that he had really worked over his son during their 15 hour nightly lockdown. They had been sharing their coop for three weeks or so. I was not happy with him frequently chasing his son but didnt do much when it was confined to pulling tail feathers, but this was too much. Chester was incubated in April and has a brother born on June 6th that is still living with the hens for now. Chester will join the flock in December when the two youngest hens will be five months old. Question for Magnolia Ducks and Texag87: Do you want to incubate some free ancona eggs? We will be moving to Harrison County, TX early next year. East of Long View. With kids living in the Houston area I know that we will be making trips to areas closer to the two of you.
Poor Chester.jpg
Love watching those babies. Them chasing flies! And then the one that fell over backward and couldn’t get up. And the WL that got a wild hair up her butt and went crazy. Love it all.
The two White Layers are already heavier than the Runners, but the Runners stand much taller, they can almost look over the rim. I guess in 2-3 days i will have escapees…
WannaBeHillBilly Thank you for another very entertaining thread!

My Chocolate drake went to auction Friday after I opened their pen and found out that he had really worked over his son during their 15 hour nightly lockdown. They had been sharing their coop for three weeks or so. I was not happy with him frequently chasing his son but didnt do much when it was confined to pulling tail feathers, but this was too much. Chester was incubated in April and has a brother born on June 6th that is still living with the hens for now. Chester will join the flock in December when the two youngest hens will be five months old. Question for Magnolia Ducks and Texag87: Do you want to incubate some free ancona eggs? We will be moving to Harrison County, TX early next year. East of Long View. With kids living in the Houston area I know that we will be making trips to areas closer to the two of you.View attachment 2332540
OMG! That poor baby almost looks like a frizzled duck! :th
The drakes here are fighting a lot, but usually if one of them turns around and let's go, the fight is over.
How are you guys doing? What happened to the moving out of state plans?
Are you feeling tired? No? - Then watch this seriously tired duckling...
Could not post this yesterday, because there was an internet outage in the whole area here.
How precious. I could watch them all day.

I also caught Petey falling asleep in the water today and videoed her as her bill kept sinking into the water. I took a snapshot of her bill underwater.
@WannaBeHillBilly OMG! That poor baby almost looks like a frizzled duck! :th
The drakes here are fighting a lot, but usually if one of them turns around and let's go, the fight is over. How are you guys doing? What happened to the moving out of state plans?

Right now we are having problems breathing due to the smoke as we are south of Seattle. We are continuing our plans of moving. We changed the destination from Oregon back to Texas when our son offered a deal that we could not refuse. We are getting estimates for the repairs that we want to make so that when the house goes on the market that it sells quickly.
WannaBeHillBilly Thank you for another very entertaining thread!

My Chocolate drake went to auction Friday after I opened their pen and found out that he had really worked over his son during their 15 hour nightly lockdown. They had been sharing their coop for three weeks or so. I was not happy with him frequently chasing his son but didnt do much when it was confined to pulling tail feathers, but this was too much. Chester was incubated in April and has a brother born on June 6th that is still living with the hens for now. Chester will join the flock in December when the two youngest hens will be five months old. Question for Magnolia Ducks and Texag87: Do you want to incubate some free ancona eggs? We will be moving to Harrison County, TX early next year. East of Long View. With kids living in the Houston area I know that we will be making trips to areas closer to the two of you.View attachment 2332540
The that poor baby. As far as incubating some eggs, I will have to see what Spring brings us. Harrison County is beautiful. Except for the deal falling through at the last minute, I was going to move there about 30 years ago. Of course, if you are interested in more variety , you are welcome to some of our eggs too.

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