Traveling with ducklings...would it be too stressful for them?

Nov 22, 2023
Northeast Florida
Hi all! Happy Saturday!

My four ducklings will be two weeks old on Monday (the 4th). On Wednesday the 13th, I would like to travel by car 2.5 hours South to visit my mother for about five days, returning home late Sunday evening, the 17th. My husband works during the day, so I'd like to take my ducklings with me instead of leaving them home with him. Has anyone here traveled with ducklings? Do they travel well, or does it stress them out too much? I'm getting a puppy playpen (this one) on Monday, so I'd bring that with me to set up in my mom's house as a temporary brooder, along with their EcoGlo and heat lamps. The ducklings would travel in a large rubbermaid tote with a lid that has been modified with hardware cloth. I'd include a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel to keep them warm during the drive.

Does this sound like a reasonable plan or a bad idea? Has anyone here ever traveled with ducklings? If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thank you! 🥰
Never traveled with them but have purchased day olds by mail, they were fine.
Sounds like you have a good plan but is the bottom of the playpen fabric material? duckings spill any water will the floor of that playpen soak through?
I have that playpen I use it to start my ducklings off as a brooder it has the kind of flooring that wipes easily I used puppy pee pads on the bottom of the floor.
I think your ducklings will be fine traveling. Just like puppies It might not be too good an idea to leave feed and water out while driving maybe stop every once in a while and offer it That way you may avoid anyone getting car sick . Or if you have someone traveling along with you have them offer feed and water.
How is Mae doing now that we have your attention lol
Mae is getting around better, but still limping, and she still lays down with her left leg extended out from her side. I've been giving her swimming time to allow her to exercise her leg, and I'm feeding her fresh chopped comfrey from the garden, as well as adding strong comfrey tea to her swimming water. She is eating and drinking and does seem to be getting better, but not as quickly as I'd like. I wish I knew how she injured herself! And I'm still unsure as to whether or not she'd benefit from bandaging her leg to her other leg so that she holds it directly under her body instead of out to the side.
Absolutely adorable dilemma! Traveling with ducklings can indeed be a quack-tastic adventure. While it's natural to worry about their well-being, with proper preparation and care, they can waddle through the journey like seasoned travelers. Ensuring a comfortable environment, ample food, and breaks for rest and water are key to minimizing stress. In my opinion, introducing them to short trips beforehand can help acclimate them to the experience. As for the Deutsche Bahn website, it might offer valuable insights into pet travel regulations and accommodations. I'm curious to hear others' experiences and opinions on this feathered topic!

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