2 male Pekins trying to mate?

I’ve recently discovered that the two Pekins I’ve got are males (raspy voices vs quacks, the telltale curled drake feather, etc) and they’re about 16 weeks old and hormones are raging. I noticed when in their pool or when very excited they will start head bobbling, nuzzling and then grab each other by the neck- it never escalates further than that but I suspect this is mating behavior as they get along so well otherwise / it doesn’t look like fighting. As they get a little older will they chill out or anything I can do? Getting females isn’t an option as I don’t have the space. I read up on success stories of 2 drakes living together well if they are set up right so any tips and tricks for a newbie are much appreciated! They don’t free range- but their run is 65 SF and they share it with 5 chickens. They have their own space with a smaller pool inside the run and a duck house for shelter, and so supervised free range every afternoon.
Keep an eye on the chickens too if not already, drakes may try to mate them, its been known to happen when together
Gender reassignment surgery and hormone blockers are all the rage these days..
To be frank, I’m not a fan of this “joke” and truly came here seeking advice for my ducks, not to make transgender jokes at their expense. Thank you for respecting the true nature of this thread.
I have the dog fencing that you can set up I use it a lot to keep one of my flock separated because of a limp ect and it would work great to separate drakes but keep them together too so they won't get lonely.
One of mine gets dominant with one of my other drakes than the rest as far as pushing him from the water, etc. And just randomly goosing him. He was doing it more than normal one day so I separated him in the night pen so I didn't have to worry about it. The first thing the other male he was harassing did was go over, put up a stink and try to find an opening. He was really bothered by it.

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